Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Saturday 3 March 2012

Another side of the Sun

I used to say that Life is like Sunrise, you know that there is always something new to look forward to.  Everyday is a brand new day, brand new story and brand new learning to live with but I just realized that there is something about the sun that makes it even more special for me.

"Right now I feel that I am at the tip of an Iceberg and that a single miss in my step, a single uneven breathe will leave me drawn into the freezing water.  I can feel my heart pumping at it's peak."

Pufff!! A dream it was, a bad one for that matter!

Dreams are part of who we are, but it is just a part of our unconscious self showing us the things that we are afraid to do and accept.  This is the reality but is something that can make us move on.  There is always something to look forward to than be drawn into our dark selves.

Like sunrise, there is always a brand new day and in LIFE it should always be our way of thinking. Whatever happened in the past is something that we all should learn from.  Whatever will happen now is something that will be part of our future and who we are as persons.

But, how do we think about NOW?  How do we take each moment as precious as the sun?  

One afternoon, while in our room, I was watching the sun set and was so amazed about its beauty!  I just stepped out of our room to get something and boom, it was gone. So fast!

Another aspect of life that I can compare with the sun is SUNSET. In silence I have realized that as we go along our lives sometimes we tend to focus more on what will happen tomorrow. We have this positive outlook in life that we are always forward looking(which I definitely agree!), but as we think about tomorrow we forget to cherish each second of our lives TODAY.  

Cherish the time that we are with our family and friends, cherish the time to be happy, to laugh, to cry and to live.

It was then that again I realized that if we want to make the most of our lives, we need to  enjoy every single second of it, savor each experience as if it will not happen again.  We should not let is just pass by us and for me that's how to enjoy the LIFE that we have now.

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