Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Happy Friday: Ice Age ~ Sid

If you were able to watch the movie Ice Age (whether part I, II, II or IV) then I am pretty sure that you know who Sid is.

Sid is a ground sloth and is one of the main characters in the Ice Age.  He is portrayed as clumsy, annoying, slow moving, fast-talking, and unpopular, and is voiced with a lateral lisp.  Although he was present in all four Ice Age movies, unlike Manny (woolly mammoth), I can say that Sid is a supporting actor in this film.  

Sidney, as what his mother calls him is my favorite character in this movie.  For me, he is very cheerful and positive, someone who takes things very lightly and always brighten any sad situation.

One scene that I liked in the movie (Ice Age: Continental Drift) was when Sid mentioned that "bad news is just good new in disguise".

For me that line was very inspiring.  Something that I can relate to when things are not so well; something that we can all relate to and can inspire us to be positive at all times.  There will always be a time where the things that we planned will not work out just the way we like it, but that's the reality.

We need to be flexible and always look on the other way around.  How we can turn every situation to our advantage and how we will benefit from it.  If we are able to master this act, then believe me, everything will feel like all right.

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