Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Monday 25 February 2013

Monday Inspiration: One rainy afternoon!

Yesterday, we were just supposed to have a frap for the hot afternoon. We asked Reo and Joel to go head home and we will just follow because we are still rushing for our candy crash marathon.   

A couple of minutes later, we noticed the rain and it was pouring so hard.. Hmm what to do next? We went out and were pondering if we will brace the rain and run fast! I mean very fast!

We then sat just outside Starbucks and I got a bit irritated bacause of the rain. I told Sweets that it would be best if we stay inside the cafe and wait until the rain stops.   Sweets insisted to stay outside, he said that if we were outside we will be able to see if it stopped raining.  Me, still not convinced, looked inside the cafe and saw a sofa widely waiting for us.  Then I said, "punta ako sa loob don kita intayin". Finally Sweets agreed to go back inside. :D

It was more comfortable to wait inside rather than outside. It was noisy and hot outside, while its cozy and cold inside. Perfect place to wait for the rain to stop. 

Thirty minutes later, it's still raining! I guess this is one of the longest thirty minutes as far as raining is concerned.  It's okie if it rains, only if we were in the comforts of our home! Sigh! But what can we do? We had no other choice but to stay here!

Rather than hate myself for not bringing an umbrella or blame Sweets for not bringing an umbrella, I chose to be silent.  I do not want to linger on "what could have been done".

Instead I made myself busy with Candy Crash and FB! After a few minutes, I lost all my lives in CC and have browsed through all FB posts.. Hmmm.. what's next. Then I just patiently waited and did my favorite thing! Take pictures!!

This is a very simple scenario that you can apply in almost any bad situation.  If something is not working out the way we planned it to be, then we better be cool!  Instead of focusing on "What could have been" we need to focus on the possible solution or work around.

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