Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Thank Therapy By Jim Burns

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If you have read the things that I shared in my blogs, probably you will notice that I always like to "Thank" people and appreciate simple things that Life has offered me.  

Two of the things that I shared was "What are you reaching for?" and "What really matters most" and both discussions were about how thankful I am for the things that I have now.

Just this morning, one of my very good friend Ochen, shared a very nice article by Jim Burns.  

I very much agree with everything that he said and I would like to share this to all of you!

"In studying thankfulness I've learned a very helpful idea: Thankfulness is a key which unlocks your depressive emotions. You cannot be both thankful and depressed at the same time. They are opposite emotions. You can be sad, hurt, or angered and still be thankful; but you can't be depressed and still be thankful.

We can't make the decision about whether some of life's negative "stuff' is thrown our way; but we can decide to be thankful, even in the midst of a not-so-perfect world.

Thankfulness is an attribute which transcends your circumstances. No matter what your circumstances, I believe there is reason to be thankful in them. Your circumstances may never change, but your attitude toward them can change -- and that will make all the difference. 

Above the stove in a friend's home is the modern proverb, "I complained because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet." We must face the fact that some of our experiences may not be the best. But we can always be thankful for what we do have. 

I'm told it takes three weeks to form a habit, and another three weeks to solidify that habit. In my struggle to develop the habit of thankfulness, I tried an experiment I called "Thank Therapy."

Now, the ball is with us.  How do we intend to live our lives!
Be "Thankful" or be "Depressed" 
Simple tip from me - If you are "Thankful" it is less likely that you are going to have wrinkles! Choose wisely:D

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