Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Good Karma! ^_^

I was born with simple dreams.
I was raised to believe that simplicity is beauty.
I never had a luxurious life.
I never wanted to have more than what my family can give me.
I lived in a reality where LIFE is SIMPLE!

These are the things that we (Sweets and I) were used to!
These are the things that our parents taught us and the things that we will teach our children.

I am a firm believer of this phrase:

Because, whatever we reap, we will definitely sow!
Therefore, if you reap negative things, watch out for the negative things that will surely come rushing to you.
On the other hand, if you reap positive things, watch out as the positive things will come pouring down quickly.

I lived with my family in Laguna almost all of my life.
In those years, we never had our own vehicle.  We cannot afford one because Mama and Papa are both simple people with simple dreams - to make sure that we (me, Gboy, Mika and Louise) all finish our studies.  That commuting to and from school is something normal and we do not need a car to fetch us. :D

When I was married, Sweets had their own vehicle and it was very convenient.
It was Mama Lena and Papa Nestor's vehicle - we (Sweets and I) are just borrowing it. Tami, as what we call our vehicle, is a real score!  He is very dependable and is very handsome!  He never failed to deliver and always exceeds expectations.  Thanks to Sweets for making him look good!  Even if Tami is old, he is always well maintained and conditioned.  Thanks Sweets for all the patience!

When we (Sweets and I) were in Malaysia, one of our dream was to have our own vehicle.  Not to boast but to feel accomplished and fulfilled!  

With all our patience in waiting, now we can proudly say that we have accomplished something together!  A very great feeling in reaping the positive things that we did before.  This is the positive karma that I was talking about and so therefore, Karma is really true in all its essence.

So what is it that you want?
Do good then get back good vibes? or break the Golden Rule?
I have stated some simple tricks in living simply -- visit "When Life gives you Lemons"

Till my next happy thoughts!


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