Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Monday 24 February 2014

Five People you meet in Heaven

This is my fourth book and I am happy to read another Mitch Albom inspiration.  This is all about life and how things happen for a reason.

Many of us look at our lives as a journey.  We always look forward and we always learn from the past but this book tells me that life is not just me moving forward or learning from the past -- it's more of understanding what we didn't know in the first place. 

There were five people whom Eddie met in Heaven and from those five, I have gathered my own inspiration that I would like to share with all of you. 

I. Life is a coin; there can only be one head  - in our daily grind we will encounter a lot of people.  People who has their own business in life and might have their own struggles.  If we come across difficult people, sometimes it pays to be quiet for 5 seconds and think if it will be worth it to be angry to them.  We don't know what they went through or have been going through and so being quite sometimes gives them a favor or the other way around.  

II. Sacrifice - we often hear this word when somebody died.  In sacrificing it does not always mean that someone has to die -- not all the time.  For me it's simple; I can relate it to decision making.  Decisions, decisions, decisons -- they are an integral part of our daily lives, whether or not it's a huge decision or not, still we need to choose.  Most of the time we want everything in our favor but that's not how the world works, there will always be trade offs and that is when we sacrifice. 

When Sweets left for Malaysia to work, I had to make a decision on whether or not to follow him there.  I was having a blast with my career and yet I felt that I will be incomplete if Sweets is not with me.  I had to make a tough decision; it seemed no brainer but I had to think thoroughly, I had to consult a lot of people then finally came with the decision to go to Malaysia.

That for me was sacrifice worth doing!

III. We are all connected with Love - scientifically speaking, we were all made out of love and that's why love is so special.  It made us all connected.  Therefore, it's important that we value where we came from, our parents.  When I was younger, I tend to look at them as the villain who wants to chain me up -- i didn't understand it.  Now, it's a whole lot different story.  My parents and my parents in law are one of the ultimate individuals in my life and I will be forever thankful to them! 

IV. For the bitter and the sweet - how I loved this line!  It was mentioned by the one and only love of Eddie, Marguerite.  Her heaven was weddings in different countries and for me, my wedding was one of the best moments in my Life and it felt like Heaven.   It was, when all I can think of was spending my entire life with Sweets and spending it with him "for the bitter and the sweet". 

V. Peace of mind - this is the ultimate heaven.  Having to think about nothing and just be carefree is a special gift that we can give to ourselves.  Therefore, if something is bothering us then we need to speak up.   Most of the time, we just need to ask to get the answers that we need! 

Lastly, Heaven for me is everything!  It's the way we percieve things.  If we look at things on a positive note then anywhere we go, anyone we meet will be a piece of heaven here on earth! 


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