Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Friday 10 January 2014

Happy Friday: Quick 2014 Plans!

2 weeks in 2014, have you thought about the things that you want to change for yourself?  Ofcourse we all want to change for the better and it's always during new years time that we do this! @_@

Personally, I have a lot of plans for myself and for my family.  I just didn't have the time to sit down and internalize about it yet.  Yes, we need to sit down, reflect and internalize about the things that we want to do with our lives because we need to be serious in changing the way we live for the better!

It will always start from within and not from the people around us.  Say for example, it should not motivate us to do exercise if our friends are not doing it, WE have to be the one to motivate ourselves.  Same goes with the other things that we want to do.

Here is a quick list on where we can start or continue doing for 2014!

I hope this will help you as it did to me!
Again, Happy 2014 to everyone!


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