Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Monday 19 November 2018

Do we Blend in or do we Stand Out?

We are human beings and a quote says that no man is an island. Therefore we connect with people to be able to relate, live and learn.  From the time that we were born, we were surrounded with people, by our family and friends. 

Then, when we went to school, we were living our day to day life with our classmates, teachers, peers and school mates. A way lot of interaction around here.

Followed by our work environment, when we eventually enter the corporate world or even start our own business.  We interact with different people and we all know that there are a lot of personalities around the world. 

The question is, when we are with the rest of the people around us, do we blend in or we stand out? My answer it's not an exact science, because whether we blend in or stand out depends on the situation we are in. 

You see, and probably you also know, that all of us are Unique. There can be more than a hundred thousands of personalities around the world and no one can have the same exact personality.  With that in mind, we cannot say that in every situation we "Blend In" or "Stand Out". 

Let's take some situatuons where I believe it would be best to Blend In and Stand Out. 

School Play -- 
In this scenario you can do both. How? 
If you are playing a key role in the play, it is important for you to "Stand Out" and play the role you are assigned to. If you do it well then it will help on the overall plot of the play and make it successful.  If you overdo your role, it will appear exaggerated and it will not create a good storyline for the play -- in this particular scenario - you "Blend In".  Make sense?

Project Management --
This is when there can be different mini scenarios where you either Stand Out or Blend in -- Here's when:

1. If you are the Project Manager - definitely you have to stand out because you have to manage the entire project and get things going.

2. If you are not the Project Manager - but when there is a task that needs to be picked up. Opportunities knocks very seldom and when they do, it can make or break you. So when there is a task that needs to be done, grab it and "Stand out".  Make sure that you can accomplish it :)

3. If you are a team member - who is handling a big ticket item on the project.  You "Stand Out" in your turf (to make sure everything is done at your end) and "Blend in" with the entire team - this is another way of saying to become a "Team Player"

4. When a decision needs to be made - you can either "Blend In" with the rest of the people's decision (meaning, you just agree with the majority).  Or "Stand Out" and be firm with what you believe in even if it's only you who believed in it (or a few of you).

There can be different scenarios where we either Stand Our or Blend In. What's important is that when we do - it's always for our and our family's best interest.  Where we can learn, contribute and be fulfilled.

Bonus: In the Corporate Setting - If you see that an employee is "Blending In" with a lot of decisions and projects, we have to be cautious.  Employees who "Blend In" can be someone who doesn't care about a particular decision or someone who needs to learn how to be firm.  If it's the first one - we need to start talking to this employee and find out the motivation.


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