September is gone and we are now into the second Ber months! Have you prepared your christmas gift list?
One of the best things about Christmas is gift giving. No matter how small or how inexpensive the gift is, it will always be the thought that counts.
Especially for kids, they will always enjoy unwrapping christmas gifts from family and relatives.
Now how do you think of the best gift to give? Based from my experience, here are the things that I look at:
1. Usability - think about the things that the person can use. Can be a cellphone casing, usb power cord, tote bag.
2. Something edible - food will always be the safest way to go! Cookies, chocolate, Candies, cakes
3. Personality - how well you know the person will help you identify the best gift. Ie. a person who loves to cook will appreciate a Caserole or whisk. While a person who loves to hike will appreciate a hiking gear or a coleman.
I have browsed through Pinterest and I found some cute gift ideas that you can prepare this Chistmas.
There are a lot more gift ideas! You just have to do some research! ^_^