Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Monday 16 February 2015

How do you want to be remembered?

two weekends ago I was talking to my Ninang and we were talking about my classmates - because she was my HS Principal and one of my professors in Psychology, specifically Thesis.

As I reflect back to my college days, I was just thinking about the things that I did and having a hard time thinking about what i really did and what my friends / classmates did (yes sometimes my memory is bad).  As I was slowly recalling the events and stating names of my friends from college, Ninang would think differently, she recalled the study that I made for my thesis, she would recall the thesis of my friends and I was just in awe to listen to that.  I can't even recall my own study back in the days!  How can it be?

As I reflect and thought of my own answers - I thought that I might not be so focused with my own study (thesis) and that my intent was just to finish it and graduate.  Is this really the way to go? I think not and I was totally wrong!  You see, as I mature with experience (yes I suppose so) I believe that the only thing to make us remember things is to give utmost attention and focus to it.  Whether it is at school, at work or at home.

I'm good with dates (well not perfectly good) but I know the important dates of my life and my family.  I know every detail of my first meet up with Sweets (only if it was just less than 15 min) from the last detail that he was wearing a pink Accenture shirt.   I can easily recall because its engraved in my heart and because that event was important to me.  Now how do I relate this to memory? 

People will be there and we will interact with them, we will talk to them, we will share ideas, we will even disagree with each other, in short its a never ending discussions of good and bad things.  When we interact, we will create the first impression and we will build a relationship -- it's now up to us on how to make those first impressions last and make those relationships work, so that down the line when we talk about 10 years after -- these people who became our friends, our chosen families, will remember something good (or bad) about us.  

Memories, to make it simple, is black and white, never gray.  It's just good or bad and not in the middle.  My suggestion would always be, to create good memories with our families and friends -- memories that they can remember even if we are far apart, memories that will make them want to be with us again and catch up, memories that will last a lifetime.

Have you thought of someone who made that impact in your life that it will be hard to forget?  Be that person to someone and you will live a life that is worth living!! 


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