It's a whopping 9 months (parang nanganak lang!) since my last blog post! It was very long considering that I am very outspoken and loves to share a lot of things to people.
Several things and I don't want to explain in detail. *wink*
Let us just say that "A LOT" has happened in the past months that I had to prioritize the things that matters the most - MY FAMILY!
A LOT Means:
A - Amazing
L - Life Changing
O - Overwhelming
T - Tremendous
Events had happened!
After 9 months, I found the perfect blog post to start sharing again and it's very timely. I didn't think about it but it was given to me. It was given to me last Sunday, during mass and I feel blessed.
Last Sunday's Responsorial Psalm it said:
"The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with Joy".
The past months has literally been a roller coaster ride and it was not your smooth roller coaster ride. I meant:
1. Real quick turns along the way
2. Some lose screws that had to be fixed
3. Rusty railings that made the ride slow
4. Unstable base
5. Unreliable coaster operator
And a lot more!
But despite those miseries and frustrations, the Responsorial Psalm reminded me (us) that after all that happened, hey, we should all be grateful because indeed the Lord has done great things for us. When I thought about it, yes indeed, I received a lot of things from Him and to share the bigger ones:
1. My family and I are all alive
2. We know how to take care of our health concerns
3. I have a very secured and stable job (bonus: that I love what I am doing!)
4. I have a great support system from my family and friends
5. I still see Life as a Journey and I have faith in humanity
My list is endless and I can't thank Him for making me and my family strong!
Another thing that I would like to share was some of the things shared by Fr Randy Baluso (we had mass at Padre Pio Eastwood) and he shared a line from the movie After Earth.
"Danger is Real, but Fear is a choice"
This is so true! I can say this because of the circumstances that my family and I experienced. No one will ever help us conquer fear but ourselves and so my take away is we have to be Larger than our Fear.
Fr. Randy even shared two abbreviations od FEAR.
Forget Everything And Run.
Face Everything And Rice.
I would go with the latter. How about you??