Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Friday, 30 May 2014

Happy Friday: Love is love even if the brain forgets

My husband and I just celebrated our 4th anniversary as a married couple and I am looking forward for more happiness together!

I can tell that falling in love (the same way you fell in love on your first day of being together) is really hard work.  The feeling is not always the same everytime you wake up and it's a constant reminder to choose to be in love.

I may not have the perfect love story in the world but I know my love story is the best -- I think having this mindset is key in keeping the fire burning!

There are a lot of factors that may affect the way we love our partners.
There are external factors like other people, finances and sometimes health.

Let me share with you one story that proved one thing: 

"Love will always be love in ones HEART, even if the BRAIN forgets"

Thanks Sweets for sharing -- such an inspiring story and a reminder that no matter what obstacle we undertake -- love will always speak for itself!

I am always happy to be in love, not only to my husband and to my family but most especially to myself!



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