Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Thursday 21 February 2013

Have you even been BROKEN HEARTED?

Like your whole world was crushed into pieces and you don't know the next best thing to do with your life? Well, one way or the other we all went through a heart breaking experience.

I am not only referring to relationships between boyfriend / girlfriend, husband / wife.  I am referring to all types of relationships whether it is friendship or filial relationship.  It can be a lost of something important to you, like your job, your house or even your favorite pet.  It can be a betrayal or a lie.

We all go through heartaches and what do we have to do after that heartache?

There is this Five Stages of Grief but it does not limit us on what we can feel every time we encounter heart aches.  Each stage is important but the best of them all is the last stage which is Acceptance.

Well this is my opinion, because life is like a cycle, it's like a never ending circle and we will all go through the same emotions over and over again.    Once we have reached the acceptance stage then it's time to take the next best action which is to move on.

Moving on is not an easy thing to do, like what a song once said.
However, there are actions to take to make it easier.

1. Smile a lot - I do not mean smile for no reason at all (coz that looks crazy).  What I mean is, we need to smile for the simplest thing that we see everyday.  Like if we were about to cross the street and the car stopped to let us cross.  A simple smile to extend "thanks" to the driver.  Smile while you are ordering a value meal burger at your favorite fast food.

2. Spend more time with the people who matters to you a lot - For me this is my family and very special friends. Spend more time with them and have a lot of laughs.  It will definitely help lighten your mood and look forward to more laughter with them.

3. Be thankful - the mere fact that we are breathing means that life is all worth it.  We do not want to spend our lives frowning and ranting. There are a lot to be thankful for and we need to acknowledge that.
(for my Thank you list - read here!)

Then eventually, after all those tough times, we can say that we are all strong!

I am here with you through the good and the bad! Happy Smiling!


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