Start of something new

Sharing of interests, stories of where I've been and what I did. Insights, thoughts, learning that may be applicable and helpful to anybody in this world!

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Happy Birthday: My all around girl!

Today is a milestone!
Today is a very special day for me and my family!
Today is when the angels sings and dance their wings!
Today is when friends are delighted to have a friend like her!
Today is when a husband is most proud!
Today is when the sons are blessed to have a special mom!
Today is Ate Ytche's special day!

This woman is not just like any other woman.
Let me describe her because even; 
(1) Webster cannot describe her; even 
(2) Google cannot search her

Maricel: a person, powerful and brilliant!
              a daughter, accomplished and will do anything for her parents!
              a sister, reliable and precious!
              a cousin, acts like a sister and all around friend!
              a friend, a family that you can choose and choose to keep!
              a boss, superb and a encouraging!
              a colleague, fun and helpful!
              a wife, a true angel to her husband!
              a mother, a blessing to her sons!

I can describe her in all the words that I can think of but to make it simple.
Maricel is the best cousin of them all, a best friend that i could never have, a mentor that help me strive and a supporter that all i can have!

Love you ate! Alam mo yan!



Monday, 16 February 2015

How do you want to be remembered?

two weekends ago I was talking to my Ninang and we were talking about my classmates - because she was my HS Principal and one of my professors in Psychology, specifically Thesis.

As I reflect back to my college days, I was just thinking about the things that I did and having a hard time thinking about what i really did and what my friends / classmates did (yes sometimes my memory is bad).  As I was slowly recalling the events and stating names of my friends from college, Ninang would think differently, she recalled the study that I made for my thesis, she would recall the thesis of my friends and I was just in awe to listen to that.  I can't even recall my own study back in the days!  How can it be?

As I reflect and thought of my own answers - I thought that I might not be so focused with my own study (thesis) and that my intent was just to finish it and graduate.  Is this really the way to go? I think not and I was totally wrong!  You see, as I mature with experience (yes I suppose so) I believe that the only thing to make us remember things is to give utmost attention and focus to it.  Whether it is at school, at work or at home.

I'm good with dates (well not perfectly good) but I know the important dates of my life and my family.  I know every detail of my first meet up with Sweets (only if it was just less than 15 min) from the last detail that he was wearing a pink Accenture shirt.   I can easily recall because its engraved in my heart and because that event was important to me.  Now how do I relate this to memory? 

People will be there and we will interact with them, we will talk to them, we will share ideas, we will even disagree with each other, in short its a never ending discussions of good and bad things.  When we interact, we will create the first impression and we will build a relationship -- it's now up to us on how to make those first impressions last and make those relationships work, so that down the line when we talk about 10 years after -- these people who became our friends, our chosen families, will remember something good (or bad) about us.  

Memories, to make it simple, is black and white, never gray.  It's just good or bad and not in the middle.  My suggestion would always be, to create good memories with our families and friends -- memories that they can remember even if we are far apart, memories that will make them want to be with us again and catch up, memories that will last a lifetime.

Have you thought of someone who made that impact in your life that it will be hard to forget?  Be that person to someone and you will live a life that is worth living!! 


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Basketball: a lot like LIFE

I have been telling you guys that I am not a sporty person. I didn't play any serious sports back in the days because I am afraid -- maybe because I was wearing glasses and I don't want to break my glasses because of any ball hitting my face.

Now on to today, I still don't play any sport but I am now a fan of a Basketball, only because of my husband. Yes I was encouraged to watch even if I know my heart will be beating so fast because I want the team to win.  As I was watching the games, whether live or via TV, I was slowly internalizing that really, this ball game is all about life.  Let me share with you what I thought! 

1. We can be a star - in any ballgame there is always a star player, someone who just can't help but score whether on the inside or the outside.  In life, we can also be a star - be good in what we do and be successful in what we want to be -- but like in any ballgame - you will not be a star player without the help of your team.  In life, we will not be successful without the help of our family and support system.

2. We have limited Air Time - in any ballgame, player rotations happen every now and then, substitution will always be there -- not because the players are not playing well but because the coach believes that the players need to re energize. In life -- we will not always be in the lime light, people will replace us for whatever reason, so when we have the Air Time - let's make it worth it! 

3. Help the other player to shine - self recognition is important, most especially if you are a star player.  In this ballgame it is not always the case. The players need to play with the team and make others shine as well.  They are all playing FOR the team and WITH a team! In life, we also need to give a support system to others, we need to help other people to be successful. Once we do then we are also successful.

4. The coach is there for a reason - no matter how great the players are, if they don't know how to listen to their coach then what's the use of having one!  Coach is there to strategize a game plan to help achieve the end goal (which is to win) and the players need to trust their coach.  In life, I'm looking at our parents as the ultimate coaches in our lives. They will never give us a play that will ruin our lives and thus it is always good to listen and trust our parents! 

5. Bilog ang bola - no matter where the ballgame takes us, whether we win or lose, at the end of the game, learnings will emerge and the players will know how to play harder. In life, we are not always on top of our games, we can be at the bottom and that's not bad.  Life is a continuous journey that we need to travel in whether good or bad, what's important is that we are able to learn from these journey and the learnings will lead us to success! 

How about you? How do you relate this ballgame into your life?


I'm not busy, I'm just lazy!

Yes and I will not deny it! 

I am so guilty of procrastinating these past few weeks and I can't blame it to anything or anyone else but myself!  I know its not a good habit and so before I reached my one month procrastinating period -- I will end it now! 

My last post was about Pope Francis' visit here in the Philippines and how it touched my life -- it was just so sad that after that successful visit of Pope, a tragic incident happened next -- we all know about our Fallen 44.

Many have given their opinion and feelings about the incident and listening to all of them just makes me wonder and ask why these things are happening.  I know after we've all talked about it, we will all go back to our normal lives and I don't know how we will learn from all of these.. I guess we just have to pray (a little harder) not only for the President, for the SAF of PNP, for the victims, for the perpetrator BUT to all of us.  May we all be guided with the teachings of the Lord and that we all do good to others!! 

I wish nothing but the best for my country and countrymen. I am just an ordinary person but I know I can make a difference starting with my family! 
